about BBSVS

BBSVS is dedicated to Baba Bhoudi Sidh a holy shrine located in the hills of Himalaya in Himanchal Pradesh, Vill, Bhoudi, P.O. Suan, Teh. Jaisinghpur, Distt. Kangra. Trust is registered under Himanchal Society Act 2006, having registration number "10/SDJ-EA".


  1. Developement and maintenance of Baba Bhoudi Singh Temple and other infrastructure for it e.g. roads, pathways, boundary walls, multistory buildings, parking etc.
  2. To help the poor needy and seriously diseased persons and other social welfare by physical and financial assistance.
  3. Development og Bhoudi Village and its people.
  4. Foundation and maintenance of educational institues, hosipital, child care home, old age home etc.
  5. To generate, collect and publish the true stories related to Baba Bhoudi Singh Temple.
  6. To Organise fare, festivals and Bhandara etc at Baba Bhoudi Singh Temple.

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